The Women’s Struggle in Jasmine`S Character in The Aladdin Movie (2019)

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Lucy Pujasari Supratman
Nanda Puspita


Aladdin (2019) is a movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The issues that emerged in this movie are how a woman struggles to become a sultan (leader of the kingdom). Princess Jasmine's strong character is a central figure depicted in a critique of the role of women who are still considered marginal. The purpose of this study was to explain the struggle of Middle Eastern women to fight the shackles of patriarchal leadership. The research used a qualitative method which was analyzed through critical discourse. The results of this study were obtained through a series of dialogues and analyzed scenes to bring up Princess Jasmine's struggle to become a sultan and change the patriarchal system of power in the kingdom, which Princess Jasmine ultimately led. While in the reader's position, the character of Putri Jasmine was placed as a woman trapped in a patriarchal system and struggled using her consciousness as a feminist to get equality in the patriarchal domination monarchy.

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Author Biography

Lucy Pujasari Supratman, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Progam Studi Ilmu Komunikasi. Universitas Telkom


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