Interactive Learning Method Based on Information and Communication Technology

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Lucy Pujasari Supratman


There are many models of lecturing method in higher education level. Telkom University as a university that based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applies its teaching and learning method through the use of internet facility. Based on research, we found that the interactive learning method based on ICT was applied well. The numbers of classes that had been involved were three classes, the classes observed in applying the interactive learning method based on ICT (high-speed wifi, digital slide projector, audio video interactive facility using YouTube and Blogspot). This interactive learning method based on ICT collaborate the lecturer-student proximity at class. The research used a descriptive case study to elaborate the classes for the whole semester. The result found that this method proved successful in sharpening student’s critical thinking. The student’s perspective to analyze social phenomenon in the society have broadened fast. It helped the student to build courage in delivering critical argument orally and written.

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Author Biography

Lucy Pujasari Supratman, School of Communication and Business, Communication Department, Telkom University

School of Communication and Business, Communication Department, Telkom University


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