Dialectic of Baduy Community in Meaning Reality of General Election 2014

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Karman Karman


Baduy Community is very obedient to local rules/custom, e.g. lunang (sundanesse to express obedience to whoever the winner), and ngasuh rati, ngayak menak. Surprisingly, the voter number in Baduy have increased from 2013 to 2014. They have their own mechanism in determining leader, that is by deliberation among customary figures. The social-political changes make-up the result of their construction change toward reality. The issue in this study is how Baduy community (re-)construct general election. This one aims to understand Baduy’s  construction to electoral activities, their understanding to the obligation to participate in election, and the adaptation process of different realities (reality in Baduy and Reality in external). By harnessing the Social Construction of Reality introduced by Berger, and Social Adaptation System introduced by Giddens, this research show Baduy objectifies and participates in general elections as an obedience to the customary rules. Understanding about obligations to participate in election is legitimized by customary institution, regarding dualism of different structure, they must adapt theirselves to different realities.

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