Digital Movement of Opinion #IndonesiaTerserah on Social Media Twitter in The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Fajar Rizali Rakhman
Rizky Wulan Ramadhani
Ahmad Fatoni


The #IndonesiaTerserah Digital Movement of Opinion was used by netizens to express disappointment towards the government and the public related to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study's purpose is to determine the perceptions or opinions formed in the community on the hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was a mixed method by combining quantitative methods for statistical calculations of communication networks with a sample of 2000 tweet data, 779 actors and 863 relations using Netlytic and Gephi, with the qualitative method to analyze text using the Digital Movement of Opinion, which describes and explains social networks and their network structures. The results showed that #IndonesiaTerserah was able to create mobility in the opinion of netizens in a communication network with the help of @radioelshinta and @cnnindonesia (Popular Actors), 449 Closeness Actors, @ridwanhr (Betweenness/Intermediary Actor), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @ toperendusara1, @bangariza, @ kholil78 (Eigenvector/Significant Actor). Disappointment of netizens has mainly shown to people who were less aware of suppressing the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia with an analysis value of 32%; to the government in making confusing policies and unable to provide for daily needs with an analysis value of 21%, and to both of them at 11%. Moreover, the use of hashtags was interpreted widely and differently by 36%.

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