The Quality of Public Information on Twitter: Yogyakarta And DKI Jakarta Regional Government Comparison

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Iman Amanda Permatasari
Achmad Nurmandi
Junior Hendri Wijaya


Twitter is considered one of the most appropriate media or platforms to realize transparency, participation, and accountability in governance. Social media adoption is also carried out by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).  This study aimed to explain the quality of public information of the Yogyakarta Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through Twitter in 2019. The method used was descriptive qualitative by depicting a comparison of public information quality of both regional governments. The content analysis was processed with Nvivo application 12 Plus by collecting research data through Twitter accounts, online media, and literature reviews.  The results showed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Yogyakarta Provincial Government actively used Twitter to convey information. The use of Twitter @humas_jogja by the Yogyakarta Provincial Government has fulfilled five public information quality variables: transparency (52%), participation (53%), trust (32%), human resource capacity (50%), and accountability (62%). Meanwhile, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Twitter account had a transparency value (47%), participation (48%), trust (68%), human resource capacity (49%), and accountability (37%). Each provincial government had a relationship with these variables. Therefore, it could be seen that the public information on Twitter of the Yogyakarta Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government had the quality. This article contributes to the government's evaluation of Twitter adoption and its relationship to the quality of public information provided to the public.


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