Community Satisfaction of Sundanese Language Press

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Parulian Sitompul
Dida Dirgahayu


The 1960s could be called the golden age of Sunda press. At the present time the press Sunda suffered a setback in a various of activities. While in the middle of advancements in printing and layout technology, Sundanese language press is currently lagging far behind the national press. The research problem is how people's satisfaction to Sundanese language press. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the motive, knowledge, and community satisfaction of the Sundanese language press. Method used is descriptive quantitative. Sample of 50 respondents which is 10% of the entire community reading Sundanese language press in the two districts of Bogor City. The results showed that the communitiy's motivation to read the Sundanese language press because of the Sundanese language used, and used by all members of the family. In addition, community already knows the function of the Sundanese language press. Eventhough it has not met their expectations, but the people are satisfied with the existence of Sundanese language press that they read.

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