Agenda Setting of Spreading Hoax in Social Media

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Christiany Juditha


The purpose of this study is to get an overview of the agenda-setting for the spread of hoax on social media. The method used is quantitative content analysis. The results found that there were three themes of the most prominent hoax issues, namely politics, health, and governance issues. In this case, the media setting agenda on hoax was formed by the users of social media itself. Hoax themes about politics such as Elections have increased in a certain period because social media users or netizens have relatively the same concentration and attention about it. There have also been attempts by certain parties to neutralize a theme hoax for a specific purpose, such as to overthrow each presidential candidate who is fighting in the Election process, including to topple incumbent presidential candidates who are still in power. Likewise, with a content hoax, the media agenda formed on social media represents the interests of netizens. Even in health hoax content that includes the most hoax content, the agenda of social media settings is built because netizens consider the content important to be immediately known by other audiences regardless of whether or not the content is true.

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