The Role of Government Public Relations As Facilitators Communication in Bureau of Public Relation at South Kalimantan Province

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Belinda Devi Larasati Siswanto
Firda Zulivia Abraham


As the windows of information, communication facilitator role in Government Public Relation (GPR) serve as all-in-and-out of information from or to publics. For that, this research be held to find about the communication facilitator role on GPR of South Kalimantan Provincial Government. This research intends to knowing communication facilitator role to provide information to people and otherwise. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive case study method, the data collection through observation and depth interview with informants purposively selection. The research result showing the communication facilitator role in GPR Bureau is not optimal, caused by unavailable information who can be accessed by the public or the otherwise. Government Information which should can be accessed at government official website or at the social media not be optimized by the GPR Bureau well as the Main Information Management and Documentation Officer (IMDO) whose role is held by the GPR Bureau of the information that should be accessible through the website, is not available. This contrasts with some Local Work Unit function only a Subsidiary IMDO, but they were ready to provide information to the public through a website managed

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Author Biography

Firda Zulivia Abraham, Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika Banjarmasin



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