Marketing Public Relations Strategy to Build Image of Innisfree through the Use of Virtual Reality

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Fathia Ramadani
Kiki Rizqi Sofia


This research is about the marketing public relations strategy to build a brand image of Innisfree through the use of Virtual Reality (VR). It is essential to enhance the brand in the middle of intense competition in the beauty industry in Indonesia to gain public interest. This research aims to analyze the marketing public relations strategy to build a brand image of Innisfree through the use of VR. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive attribute. The collection of primary data is through in-depth interviews with the internal and external informant, dan secondary literature study. The examination of data credibility is using source triangulation. According to the result from a pull strategy i.e., performed online publications, holding media events, online competition, and carry out the survey directly as well as an online survey.

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Author Biographies

Fathia Ramadani, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Public Relations, STIKOM The London School of Public Relations

STIKOM The London School of Public Relations

Kiki Rizqi Sofia, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Public Relations, STIKOM The London School of Public Relations

STIKOM The London School of Public Relations


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