Development of Jabar Cyber Province as a Media of Information and Communication

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Syarif Budhirianto


Jabar Cyber Province (JCP) is a flagship program of Government of West Java Province in implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve coordination, communication and collaboration of local government administration. To establish the program, the Government of Sukabumi City has developed public services at all levels in every work units, so that the people can feel its benefits optimally. The focus of this research is to discover how the development in establishing JCP as a medium of information and communication among work units, as well as decision in applying information transparency to the public. This research is descriptive using qualitative approach, the data obtained through observation and interviews with officials in the Office of Communications and Informatics of Sukabumi City. The results show that the development of ICT in establishing JCP in Government of Sukabumi City has not implemented optimally, while the information transparency is done through the stages of stakeholders towards aggregation of the public interests.

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