Therapeutic Communication of Nurses to Mental Disorder Patient

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Hannika Fasya
Lucy Pujasari Supratman


People with the mental disorder have limited ability in communication to society, and at the end they will be intimidated. To make that people communication well, they need some therapy. Therapeutic Communication is a therapy process through communication that performed by the nurse to patient consciously, directed, and has a goal of healing the patient. This research is done to know about the understanding of therapeutic communication and the form of therapeutic communication by the nurse to mental disorder patient in Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Hospital. This research used qualitative methods with a descriptive case study. Purposive sampling is used to determine the informants and used interview, participant observations and documents as a data collection technique, and use a coding as data analytics technique. The result of the research showed five categorizations that cover every phase of the nurses did. From five categories, researchers saw in every informant or nurses used all the theory through the process, although by modification of each nurse. In the technique of communication therapeutic is not all carried out because it is following the conditions of the client as well as verbal and non verbal communication. 

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Author Biographies

Hannika Fasya, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Telkom

Hannika is a Bachelor Degree of Communication Science from Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University

Lucy Pujasari Supratman, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Telkom

Dr. Lucy Pujasari Supratman is a Lecturer in Communication Department, Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University


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