Communication Dynamics of Vailed Arab Women

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Mutiah Mutiah


This study focuses on the authentic appearance of Arab women who wear the veil, which is the veil itself is a cultural dress in Saudi Arabia. The study purpose to understand the meaning of cadar itself and know the managing impression that accured. The research use qualitative methode with fenomenology approach. In this study there were 11 informants who are willing to articulate their experiences openly. Generally, researcher obtained a spontaneous statement so the data obtained naturally. The meaning of wearing the veils that they construct by them self reduced into three categories. Wearing the veil as obeydiant of woman muslim,an honour and family tradition.These categories is influenced by situational factors. This research ultimately shows and understand the interaction and communication that occurs within communities of Arab women who wear veils itself and the interaction that occurs with the surrounding community, and nuances of the place of ethnic identity when interaction takes place.

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