Increasing the Role of the Internet Service Center in Distric to Stimuli the Society towards Tourism Village

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Sumarsono Soemardjo


The use of internet was expanding, reaching various lines of human life, including ecotourism development sector. However, internet as a tool as well as an enabler, occasionally are less contributing to better accomplish human activity since various determinants which underestimated. Related to that, the government has made programs to expand internet access to rural areas in order to introduce innovation and creating opportunities through the construction of the District Internet Service Centre (PLIK). The research question is how the role of the District Internet Service Centre (PLIK) as stimuli for the rural community to develop a tourism village. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of PLIK to stimuli the rural community to develop the tourism village. This research reveals how the internet could represent as a stimuli for the rural community to develop a tourism village. In addition, the approach of the research is qualitative. Data gathering through in-depth interview with purposive chosen key informants. The result indicates that the role of the internet can be increased to develop a tourism village through various activities of information dissemination and giving encouragement and transformation value of “sapta pesona” to the local rural community.

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