Communication in Corporate Culture Transformation

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Susie Perbawasari
Yanti Setianti


PT Dahana (Persero) which was originally a monopoly company has been changed into a company that has competitors not only from within the country but also from foreign companies, therefore it takes effort to transform corporate culture so that employee can adjust their behavior with the company's vision to be a global player. The objective of this study is to investigate the comprehension of PT. Dahana’s employees about the recent and the previous corporate cultures within the organization. This study used qualitative research approach with constructivist paradigm, and the type chosen was case studies. According to the study, it was revealed that the old values in the previous corporate culture were understood by the employees as culture with kinship, strict leadership, relaxed work ethos, bureaucratic, less-competitiveness, less client-orientation, and not based on competencies. Meanwhile, the new values in the recent culture were comprehend as culture with high discipline value, system of rewards and punishments, efficiency, based on competency, prioritizing educational levels, but without adequate role models.

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Hasil Raker. (2008). Paparan Budaya Perusahaan.Subang.

Majalah Internal D File no 44, Desember 2010.

Majalah Internal D File no 47, Maret 2011.