Location Selection Process on Empowerment Program Kelompok Sadar Wisata in Depok City

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Adita Maya Safira
Susie Perbawasari
Anwar Sani


Tourism becomes one opportunity for City of Depok to increase local revenue. Therefore, Disporaparsenbud finds it necessary to preserve it by doing community empowerment by creating Kelompok Sadar Wisata empowerment program. However, the program undertook by Disporaparsenbud is considered to have a weakness at the stage of location selection. This study aims to determine the criteria and involvement of related parties in the process of location selection on Kelompok Sadar Wisata empowerment program as one activity of community empowerment by Disporaparsenbud City of Depok. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive. Data collection is done by observation, interview, and literature study. The results show that the location selection is done by determining the criteria, the criteria are retribution and region potency, but there is no agreement with the stakeholders. The communication context of the selection process of location/region is classified into the context of group communication and interpersonal communication, the community becomes the important element alongside with the government and the private sector to implement and support the tourism development.

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