Ethnic Identity of Culture in Relation Komin-Amber in Papua

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Syarif Syarifuddin


Identity is not just a question of the name, but what is the meaning behind the name. At least the name is an identification and identity that can show the characteristics and character. If the characteristic is inherent in an ethnic, then it becomes a marker of ethnic identity on them. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe culture of the ethnic komin identity as indigenous peoples and ethnic amber as settler communities in the perspective of intercultural communication. The research method is designed in a mixed method that combines qualitative and quantitative methods with sequential exploratory strategies. The research was conducted in Jayapura Papua Province by using a combination of research methods (mix method), with a sample of 200 respondents and 8 Participants. The results of this study indicate Cultural identity of ethnic Komin and Amber differs significantly in terms of  1) The context of communication (high vs. low context communication context), 2) cultural orientation (individualist versus collectivist cultures). 3) Self-construal (independent vs. interdependent).

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