The Public Information Compliance and Dissemination Among Urban and Rural Society

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Vience Mutiara Rumata


In the information era, the abundance of information and access due to the internet has brought unprecedented challenges to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology as public communication administrator. The internet penetration in Indonesia continues to grow annually. Nevertheless, does it reflect that the internet is the main source of public information? This research explores the public information compliance and dissemination among urban and rural societies. The research method is quantitative with the primary data is a survey at 12 provinces in Indonesia which were selected through probability sampling technique. It is a national survey with 2% margin of error estimation. The sample size reaches 2,500 respondents. The data analysis method is statistic-descriptive as the results as follows: the perception of public information particularly the government policies access is sufficiently well, although the popularity of the MCIT, as well as its local office's official media, is lower than television. The interpersonal relations and social environment influence someone to get and disseminate the information. The face to face communication is a prominent channel to disseminate information both in the urban and rural areas.  

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