Islamic Hegemony in The News “Warteg Saeni”

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Abie Besman
Aceng Abdullah
Lilis Puspitasari


This study will analyze the discourse of the news “Warteg Saeni” at Facebook account of Kompas TV , discourse analysis of Teun Adrianus Van Dijk is used and aim to find the meaning of the discourse in the news about “Warteg Saeni” and also learn about the hegemony of Islam in a report about "Warteg Saeni" on social media. The method used is Discourse Analysis Model Teun Adrianus Van Dijk with qualitative paradigm – criticism. Van Dijk Discourse Model mandates a three-step data collection and analysis of data Video uploaded at Facebook account of Kompas TV all dated June 10 until June 12, 2016. Selection of the deadline was taken before the social movements contribute to Saeni, which made headlines throughout June 2016. The spread of mass information or viral occurring at news Saeni lead to biases of information and also a different understanding of each Facebookers or netizen.This study analyzed the message contained in the video starting from the text, social cognition in the social context through the discourse analysis of Van Dijk.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Abie Besman, Padjadjaran University

Department of Journalism, Faculty Of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Aceng Abdullah, Department of TV and Film, Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Dosen Fikom Unpad, Doktor Komunikasi Korupsi

Lilis Puspitasari, Department of TV and Film, Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Dosen Fikom Unpad, Sekprodi TV dan Film Fikom Unpad


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