Testing E-Government Ranking Framework in Indonesia (PeGI): Case Study in Ministry Level

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Darmawan Baginda Napitupulu


E-Government progress in Indonesia takes place since the existence of Inpres 3 of 2003 on national policy and strategy of e-government development. In that regulation, clearly regulated the responsibility of all central and regional government institutions to develop e-government system as a form of electronic based public service. One of the strategies formulated by the government is to develop e-Government systematically through the realistic and measurable stages. In other words, the government wants to encourage increased use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in government institution through integral, balanced, and objective evaluation. Therefore, the government needs to perform the evaluation in order to measure the use of ICT in governance ( a government institution). PeGI (e-Government Ranking in Indonesia) is an event held periodically by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology since 2007 with the objective to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of application of ICT in government institutions. The dimensions of PeGI ratings cover the aspects: policy, institutional, infrastructure, applications, and planning. This research purpose is to test empirically the framework of PeGI that has been used to measure the use of ICT which the PeGI itself consists of 5 dimensions and 35 attributes assessment. In other words, we want to know whether PeGI framework is still relevant today, especially at the ministerial level, consider that the development of ICT is rapid and dynamic. The method used is quantitative with factor analysis approach. The results showed that all the attributes are valid and could represent each dimension of the PeGI rating: policies, institutions, infrastructure, applications, and planning. Therefore, PeGI framework is still relevant to use for assessing e-Government implementation, especially in ministry level.

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