Internet Literacy in Junior High School Students

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Noneng Sumiaty
Neti Sumiaty


Internet literacy can be used to acknowledge the world's growth in many sectors as quickly and accurately , as well as in education. The focus of this research is what level of internet literacy in students of SMPN 8 Purwakarta? This purposes of this research is to obtain information about the level of internet literacy in students of SMPN 8 Purwakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The study population was all students in grade 8, while the sample was two students taken from each classes. There are 7 classes of grade 8 . So the overall sample was 14 informants . The theory used is adopted from Ciolek, Matthew (2003) on the understanding of internet  which consists of: basic skills , moderate skill, and advanced skills. The results showed that only a few informants have extensive knowledge of the overall level of mastering the internet. Most of the students of SMP 8 only master and understand the basic rate only. Students of SMP 8 are expected to master and understand all levels of understanding of the Internet gradually.

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