Regional Readiness for Jawa Barat Smart Province

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Diana Sari
Didit Praditya
C. Suprapti Dwi Takariani


The West Java Provincial Government initiated West Java Smart Province (JSP), which began with Jabar Cyber Province. In its development, the concept of smart province developed at the provincial level, and it was interpreted at the regional level so that there were views from regions related to JSP. Therefore, it is necessary to look at other perspectives of the smart province from the local perspective as an enrichment for the province to obtain a comprehensive description of JSP implementation from the local government’s side and how the readiness of the region towards JSP. This study uses a qualitative approach, with three critical aspects of concern in smart province, namely: governance, infrastructure, and ICT services/applications in each region. This readiness was described descriptively from data and information through interviews with informants in six areas. The results of the analysis provide an overview of the readiness of each region in West Java towards JSP. The readiness of Banjar City, Garut Regency, and Purwakarta Regency are the change from manual to digital, and development of ICT infrastructure and service, although it is still partial. Meanwhile, Bogor City, Cimahi City, and Cirebon Regency readiness is a developed ICT-based service even though development between services are doing separately, but data sharing has been carried out.

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