Internet Adoption of Indonesian Remote Society: Integrated Broadband Village Versus Commercial Mobile Broadband

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Darman Fauzan Dhahir


A free integrated broadband facility provision by the Indonesian Government in several remote villages seems has not been successfully narrowing down the digital divide.  To establish a solution, the gap that caused the problem needs to reveal.  Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of illustrating the efforts the Indonesian government has made those in term of narrowing down the digital divide, as well as the community feedback in term of how they adopt the internet.  Data was obtained from observations and discussions with the government officials and society in several purposive selected rural villages in Eastern Indonesia.  It is qualitatively analysed using the diffusion of innovation point of view.  The research result gives an overview that the facilities provided by Integrated Broadband Village (IBV) have not been welcomed enthusiasm, whereas the commercial mobile broadband (CMB) network services those are not free was more preferred due to the advantages in all phases of diffusion of innovations.  Unfortunately, CMB is not evenly available especially in areas with minimal population.  Besides, the efforts of local governments in developing community access are differing in degrees.

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Author Biography

Darman Fauzan Dhahir, The Research and Development of Human Resources of Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Indonesia

Darman Fauzan Dhahir is a researcher at the Research and Development of Human Resources of Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Indonesia. He received a bachelor’s degree in economics from STIE Budi Utomo Manado and a master’s degree in Communication Science from the University of Hasanuddin in Makassar, Indonesia. His current field placement is with the BBPSDMP Kominfo (Center for human resources development and research of communication and informatics) Makassar. He is interested in applied communication e.g. journalism, public relation, library, education, development, environment, health, faith, religion, media law, business, and linguistic.


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