Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Development in Supporting the Programs

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Didit Praditya


The growth of ICT are influential the Subang regional government in order to optimally use ICT in their region. These changes cause the Subang regional government have to do more development in ICT sector through the programs implemented. The research was conducted to identify the issues surrounding the development of ICT (communication and information technology) based on programs of the authorized institution in ICT (Diskominfo) in a city/regency in the Province of West Java, this research use a SWOT analysis to assess the programs. The problem is how the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of ICT development Kominfo sector in Subang Regency, West Java through programs performed by Diskominfo Kabupaten Subang. The aim is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of ICT development. Data was collected through observation and interviews. The result shows, based on the missions performed by Diskominfo Kabupaten Subang, in general there are some internal weaknesses: related to human resources, facilities, budget, and the lack of standardization in communications and information technology. While the internal strengths are: the availability of adequate human resources, sufficient infrastructure, sufficient budget, a clear work program, and the UPT as a technical implementation. The strategy needs to be done to improve mission implementation of Diskominfo Kabupaten Subang is suggested that organization implemented changes or defensive strategy, rather than pursuing an aggressive or diversification strategy.

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