Participatory Communication in Development Process of Matenggeng Dams Cilacap District Central Java

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Waluyo Handoko
Adhi Iman Sulaiman
Andi Ali Said Akbar


The construction process of Matenggeng Dams is still have problem such as no dialogue or renegotiation to create a mutual agreement between the government and Dayeuhluhur society. This research aims to identify, analyze and design the model of participatory development communication in the construction process of Matenggeng Dams at Dayeuhluhur subdistrict Cilacap District, Central Java Province. This research used qualitative method with case study. Data Collection through interviews, observation, analysis of documentation and focus group discussions (FGD). The results showed: (1) People have known for a long time about the discourse of Matenggeng Dams construction through interpersonal communication from the parents. (2) There is still no agreement about compensation between the community and the government. (3) The community agree and have learned the benefits of dams and willing to dialogue again to achieve an agreement of compensation for the land and productive trees. The implication, the public will continue to feel anxious for certainty the future of people's lives, if there is no certainty continuation the development of the Matenggeng dams.

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