Health Communication Model Implementation through Information Dissemination of West Java’s Public Health Insurance

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Agus Rahmat
Susi Perbawasari
Feliza Zubair
Aang Koswara


Every behavior is based on knowledge, therefore the success of public health insurance (Jamkesmas) program conduct by the government for poor community require communication and socialization of the program, through various existing channels. How health communication model implemented by the government in order to disseminate Jamkesmas information particularly in West Java region? The purpose of this research is to discover the direction of information stream in socialization of Jamkesmas program, through quantitative approach. In addition, sampling use multistage cluster sampling with 180 respondents. The result of the research shows that interpersonal communication with formal opinion leaders act as the main channel for poor community to obtain information. It means that the public target for strengthening or success of Jamkesmas socialization is opinion leaders such as head of the neighborhood or local community and cadres.

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